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content writing consultancy

Consultancy from £70 per hour

Sometimes, we just need someone  to help us think and plan.  Like working out how you can communicate more effectively with your customers, or even to work out who your customers are.

Communications consultant Middlesbrough

Be clear and focused - feel confident and in control

Who are your clients?  What's important to them? And how can your business use this insight to communicate more effectively, increase engagement and drive sales? 

Be clear and focused - understand your target groups and develop your key messages


I'll work with you to identify and understand your dream client or customer - including their pain points, aspirations, emotions and needs. Together, we can then develop clear, targeted business messages that are relevant and compelling - striking a chord and stimulating action.  Once these two steps are complete, we can begin to put together a communications plan to get your messages out there.


Feel confident and in control 


With a proactive communications plan, you will know exactly which messages to communicate, and when.  As well as putting you in control and giving you confidence in your marketing and pr, you'll also find it much easier to plan your web content, social media, blogs and marketing brochures.


Need a bit of guidance and some refreshingly different ideas?




I have provided consultancy services for:


©2021 by ali wilkinson - copywriter BA Hons, Dip CW (Inst CW), Dip. Proof. (BC) 

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